
Sending errors

Errors legend

List of possible errors displayed by the user

Below is the table containing the errors that may arise during the submission process. The error code is received after the submission attempt and can be detected in the mail client, the logs of the management system or the application used for submission, but only if properly configured. Please refer to each application's documentation for configuration.

Error Code Description
err=wrong_config Generic DB query error
err=usr_not_found Error indicating partial account configuration
err=auth_failed Authentication error - wrong password
err=ip_not_allowed IP of connection not enabled to use service
err=usr_disabled Account disabled
err=from_invalid Sender address with format other than "name"@"domain" and therefore invalid
err=domain_not_allowed Sender's domain not present among those associated with the account
err=relay_not_allowed Relay by ip not enabled on user connection ip address
err=relay_domain_not_allowed Relay by ip not enabled on sender's domain
err=plan_expired Prepaid plan expired
err=daily_limit_reached The daily sending limit for the account has been reached
err=yearly_limit_reached The prepaid plan sending limit has been reached
err=monthly_limit_reached The sending limit of the monthly subscription plan has been reached
err=yearly_overquota_limit_reached The extra message limit of the prepaid plan has been reached
err=monthly_overquota_limit_reached The extra message limit of the monthly subscription plan has been reached

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