
Delete an archive

Delete a domain's archive

To delete an archive active on a certain domain, go to the list of domains and click on the More MoreIcon button in correspondence of the domain that you wish to delete. Select the Delete item from the menu, confirming the operation by clicking on the Delete button within the modal.

  • Archive > Domain name > Other MoreIcon > Delete

By deleting the archive, all archived emails of a domain account will be permanently deleted.

Deleting the archive belonging to a domain is an irreversible procedure.

Deleting an email account's archive

To delete the active archive belonging to a certain email account, go to the list of email accounts and click on the More button MoreIcon. Then, click on the Delete menu item, confirming the operation by clicking on the Delete button within the modal.

  • Archive > Domain name > Account email name > Other MoreIcon > Delete

By deleting the archive, the archived messages of the related email account will be permanently deleted.

Deleting the archive belonging to an email account is an irreversible procedure.

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