
View and manage contacts


To display the contacts within an address book, select it in the sidebar of the Address Book module.

Icon Name Directory Description
personalContactsIcon Personal contacts Contains your personal contacts.
companyContactsIcon Corporate contacts Contains all contacts belonging to your colleagues.
(i.e. contacts belonging to the same domain as yours)
contactsIcon Address Books created by the user All address books created by the user via the + Address Book button

Manage contacts

To create a new contact click on the New Contact or NewContactIcon button in the sidebar, fill in the necessary fields and click on the Save button to add the contact to the address book indicated. Some fields are immediately displayed in the new contact creation tab. To add others click on + Add Field. These are all the available fields:

Field Description
Avatar Image of the contact. If not present, it will be automatically added by the system based on the name of the contact or the domain of the email address associated with it.
Address Book Address book to which the contact will be added.
Name Contact name.
Surname Contact last name.
Email Contact email address(es). Multiple email addresses can be entered.
Telephone Contact phone number(s). Multiple phone numbers can be entered.
Home Address Contact's home address. Only one home address may be entered.
Work Address Contact's work address. Only one work address may be entered.
Company Name of the company to which the contact belongs.
Role Role of the contact person in the company.
Team Team to which the contact in the company belongs.
Display name Displayed name of contact.
Nickname Contact nickname.
Birthday Date of birth of the contact.
Notes Notes related to the contact.
Personal website Link to the contact's personal website.
Company website Link to the contact's company website.

To edit a contact, select the contact from the list, click on the Edit icon EditIcon, make changes and click on the Save button to confirm.

To delete a contact select the contact from the list, click the Trash icon TrashIcon and click the Delete button to confirm

To share a contact select the contact from the list and click on the Share icon ShareIcon. A new email composition window will automatically open with the contact you wish to share attached.

To send an email to a contact select the contact from the list and click on the Email icon MailIcon. A new email composition window will automatically open with the selected contact as the recipient.

Import contacts

If you want to import contacts into Webmail, you can do so individually or in bulk via an import.

To perform an import, you must first choose the address book into which the import is to be performed. If you wish to import into a new address book, you must first create it.

To begin an import procedure, go to

  • Contacts
  • right-click on the name of the address book where you want the contacts to be imported to
  • Import contacts_
  • Upload the file in vCard format
  • Import

It is only possible to import contacts from a vCard file. A vCard format file (or VCF, Virtual Contact File) is a file with a specific format mainly used as an electronic business card.

Export contacts

Exporting contacts allows you to save a file in vCard or .ldif format containing all the contacts of a specific address book to your device. This file is useful when importing contacts from an old provider to a new provider.

Exporting contacts from the previous provider

Many mail providers allow the export of contacts in vCard (or VCF, Virtual Contact File) format, a file with a specific format mainly used as an electronic business card.

You can export contacts directly to vCard from your previous provider by going to Contacts or Address Book or Tools > Export Contacts (in vCard format). These include Thunderbird, Roundcube, Google, etc. For further information, please consult the documentation of your previous provider.

Other mail providers such as Outlook allow the export of contacts in .ldif format. In this case, you will have to install a software on your device that converts the file from .ldif to vCard.

Exporting contacts from Webmail

You can export contacts from Webmail by following the steps below:

  • Contacts
  • right-click on the name of the address book from which you want to export contacts
  • Export contacts
  • Choose the format (ldif or vCard)
  • Export

The formats supported when exporting are vCard or .ldif

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